Thursday, March 27, 2008

Curious - Think different

This is the last Project Play assignment of Semester 2. I'm kind of sad. Overall, I would say that I enjoyed Project Play. It has encouraged me to be more curious about the new tools available on the web. I'll miss the assigned exploration of Web2.0. Some assignments were fun and some not so fun. Now I'm on my own, so to speak, but I will try to continue to try to keep playing more, learning more, and fearing less. To do that I will try to stay current with the newsreader Bloglines and I'm going to try to carve out some time each day (or at least each week) to look at sites like eHub or Go2Web20. Google sites looks interesting and I wonder if the dept I work in could use it somehow. I'll have to think about it some more.

Maybe I'm not as curious as I should be, at least according to Seth Godin. See his video. He does have a point about how our society as a whole is not curious, that we watch too much television. Perhaps if more of us were willing to explore new ideas, to push the envelope so to speak, our world's problems would be fewer? What kind of world would we have if everyone was curious, where one was open to new ideas, where one could see new possibilities? Life in that world sure wouldn't be dull.

I used Sloganizer to find a title for this last post for Project Play. After watching Godin's video, I think the Sloganizer came up with an appropriate title. Being curious means thinking differently. One is not afraid to try new things or ideas. Project Play has started me on that path and hopefully I will continue to keep on playing more, learning more, and fearing less.

1 comment:

PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Kasey,

Congratulations on completing the 2nd Semester of Project Play. I'm glad that you enjoyed the project and I hope that you're inspired to keep on playing. We're looking at ways to continue the momentum - and we'll keep you posted. If you have ideas, I'd love to hear them!

Keep on playing,
