Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Podcasts [Project Play: Semester 2: week 6]

This week we got to learn about podcasts. They're a good way to share audio or video content. I took a look at some of the library podcasts. A fair number were geared toward children.

I chose to add to my bloglines subscription Uncontrolled Vocabulary : a live discussion of news, trends, and topics in librarianship. In fact, I started to listen to one of the podcasts. I didn't finish it because it was an hour long and I needed to get back to work.

I haven't really gotten into podcasts. I prefer to listen to music when I am driving in the car or doing a physical activity outdoors. I do occationally listen to an audiobook. However, I can see the value of podcasts. It is a way to get out your message using audio or video. People can then listen to it or watch it at their convenience and not worry about missing it.

1 comment:

PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Kasey,

Great comments on the value of podcasting. I haven't subscribed to many podcasts, either. Like you, I prefer to listen to music or an audiobook in the car. I also listen to audiobooks on my mp3 player - haven't made that transition yet.

Keep on playing!
