This week is LibraryThing. I have seen it before, but now I have an account. I even figured out how to put a link to my library on LibraryThing.
I can see the potential. It's great that lots of people can share what they are reading with others for free. It's a great way to keep track of what you've read and what you like about it. However, I wonder about the tags that people give books. For example, I looked at the tags for one of the books in my library, The Tenderness of Wolves. Most tags I agreed with, such as Canada, murder mystery. But some I wonder about, such as 2000s, 2006, 2007.
I'm suppose to use the suggester and unsuggester on LibraryThing. So here it goes:
Book that I like: Lonesome Dove
Book from the LibrarySuggester using Lonesome Dove : there are a number of choices that I've already read and enjoyed. The Streets of Laredo, The Prince of Tides, The Winds of War
Book from the LibraryUnsuggester using Lonesome Dove: a list of 74 titles came up. With all those unchoices, I'll choose the last one on the list Critique of Judgment.
Hopefully, all the links I did will work. I am trying to play more, learn more, and fear less.